

 VirtualDJ8 Updates

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Q: How can I update my VirtualDJ to the latest available version/build ?

Since VirtualDJ 8, a new automatic online updating system has been introduced.
Every time the software is launched and your computer is connected to the Internet, VirtualDJ will silently connect to our servers, search for any available updates and download those as a background process.

Once the updates are downloaded, you will be notified and prompt to accept and apply (or not). Click on Changelog to see what features and improvements this new update offers.

By choosing Yes, your software will be automatically updated to the new build/version and will auto-relaunch after that.

By choosing No, your software will keep using the last used version/build that you had installed in your computer, and will notify you again next time you launch the software.
The downloaded updates are saved in your computer.

Q: How can i update my VirtualDJ if my computer cannot connect to the Internet?
In case your computer cannot be connected to the Internet (e.g. your computer is at the club with no Internet connection ability or you wish for any reason to keep your computer away from the Internet for security reasons), you can still update VirtualDJ manually.
Use a computer that you can connect to the Internet and download the latest available build
Even though every new update has been previously tested by our Beta Team, we highly recommend not to use new updates unless a fair test has been made on your side as well, to ensure that your Hardware (computer, sound card, dj gear) works as expected.

Related Topics:
FAQ What are the features of the latest VirtualDJ version?
FAQ Where can I find a list of what's new and what's been changed in the recent VirtualDJ builds?
FAQ I need a previous version of VirtualDJ, how can I get it?
FAQ When will the next version of VirtualDJ be released?

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